Saturday, June 13, 2009

I thought this picture was so sweet of grandpa, little damion and mya. Tonya took it for me as they were walking on the road after the blessing.
Also Chaysee is now 2 months old-I can't believe it. How time flies. Chaysee wasn't able to get her immunizations yet, because she was running a fever (we don't know why). So those will come later in the week. She actually slept last night from 10 pm to 4 am it was amazing. I felt so refreshed.
Zek is done with school and so excited for it to be summer! He had a sleepover at Haunanis last night and got to go miniture golfing as well as to the movies (night at the museum 2). He had a blast.
Mya just keeps growing a learning new things all the time, she is a mommys girl lately, which I am not use to. She use to always be a grandpas girl and then a daddys girl. I guess she is making the rounds.
We had a yard sale today and I made $147.00 it was pretty sweet, not bad for a days work.


Angie said...

Zeke has such a personality, I love it!
I need to get your email address to send an invite for my blog. Email me at

Julie said...

I love the picture with Grandpa, Mya and Damion. So cute.