Monday, March 29, 2010


My mom got this bunny for the kids, it sings and hops and Chaysee thinks it is so funny!

On friday, while at wal-mart I heard a message over the loud speaker announcing the arrival of the Easter Bunny for the following Saturday. The kids were so excited. Mya was a little aprehensive but she did ok. Chaysee was not having any part of it, she has become a mamas girl lately, I guess it's the age. The kids got to dye eggs tonight and they had a lot of fun. There was so much excitement, it was almost like Christmas. It is spring break for Zek and he has had a great start. Today was lunch with grandma and Tonya at Inca and then he helped fill the easter eggs for the hunt on Sunday at great grandmas and last was the egg dying. What are we going to do on tuesday and wednesday ect.??? Well the new quarter started for me. I have Eng 102, History of Western Civilization and Math 99 (at the college T and Th nights, not very excited). Happy Easter to all.

Kids are funny:

While dying eggs

Mya: Zek I am gonna win you I am almost done

Zek: Mya its not about winning and losing

Mya: I am still gonna win

Zek: Mya I just said its not about winning

Mya: I beat you I'm done!

Zek: Mom Mya won't stop talking


Anika said...

Hah! I love "hearing" your kids' conversations! they are so cute, and hilarious. Love it!

tonya iverson said...

i love how mya ALWAYS has a dirty gosh tiff cant keep your kids clean haha jk.